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Cannabis Industry Safety Programs eBook

Cannabis Industry Safety Programs eBook

SKU: 6005218261446

Ensuring optimum occupational safety and health at the workplace enables employees to be productive and efficient. It also helps employers achieve business goals. It is critical for organizations, especially the cannabis industry to educate and spread awareness regarding industrial hazards. It is also crucial to train employees, workers, and managers about following health and safety standards at the workplace.


In this training, you will learn about hazard assessment and management, protective measures and plans in case of an emergency, and how to mitigate risk at the earliest.


That being said, you will explore effective hazard controls, communication plans, and gain knowledge of different types of hazards associated with varied job roles in the cannabis industry. The training demonstrates legal obligations and compliance regarding safety standards that the industry must follow regardless of the size, nature, and activities involved in the organization.

The training will enlighten on how qualitative safety processes, precautionary measures, and protection plans can help you achieve the highest health and safety standards to avoid workplace incidents.

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